Hey girl! What's Your Signature Latte? Whether it's a frothy latte or a cold brew, your personality shines through. Find out what your java ingredients are!
It’s no surprise that your morning routine sets the tone for the whole day. I’ve become really picky about my morning routine — I like to have time to do everything I need to do, feeling relaxed and ready to conquer the rest of the work day! Here are…
The first thing I do is take all of my vitamins with at least 20 oz of water. Drinking H2O first prevents dehydration AND wakes you up a bit. If you’re quick to jump to coffee as the first thing you drink, chances are low that you will drink some water over the next hour. Water will increase your focus and improve your overall health, so try drinking a huge glass before pouring your morning coffee.
Leggings: Carbon38 Takara Leggings | Sports Bra: Carbon38 Blocked Mesh One Shoulder Sports Bra | Shoes: Nike Epic React Flyknit
So if you’re on the Intermittent Fasting bandwagon, this probably isn’t for you, but a wholesome breakfast really is crucial for me to get a productive day in. If I’m going to the gym in the morning, I’ll eat my breakfast after my workout, but if I’m not going to the gym, I’ll make a fresh veggie egg scramble before conquering the day. It kickstarts your metabolism and I’m not feeling lethargic all morning from not eating.
J and I used to *rush* around like crazy in the morning, and honestly, we hated it. We felt like we barely got to see each other and then it set an anxious and rushed tone for the rest of the day. We now always have coffee together and just…chill. Even if it’s for only 10-15 minutes, it’s worth it. J sometimes works out in the morning before work, so when he comes home to get showered, etc., we indulge in some time together. We chat about our plans for the day and it has become my favorite part of the day.
I used to be the gal that would wake up and immediately grab my phone. It made me so anxious — it wasn’t even 8 AM and I’ve already scrolled the gram 3 times. About 6 months ago, I stopped doing that and it has changed the game for me. I repeat: changed the game. Our alarm goes off, I turn it off, and leave my phone on our nightstand for the morning. Once we’ve had our coffee and I’ve had time to myself, etc. and the work day is about to begin, I’ll grab my phone/computer and start checking emails, writing posts, all that jazz.
If you hit the gym in the AM, then ignore this one, but I usually go to the gym later and it’s really nice getting an AM walk, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Jeter never turns down a walk, and if it’s not raining, that’s exactly what we do in the morning! It’s just nice getting out and about, moving your muscles, and feeling awake before the work day hits!
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There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t feel so blessed to be Jordan’s wife. He is my everything. These photos and video are the sweetest reminder of our love for one another. So, grab a cup of coffee, pull up a seat, and try not to bawl your eyes out (because I know we did). Every time we look through our photos and watch our video, we cry the happiest tears.
It’s crazy what can happen in a year. I met the love of my life and the rest is history. I was having a hard time ending this post, because frankly, I think I could talk about that evening forever. Then I realized that this post doesn’t have an ending, but instead, a beginning. Thank you so much for all of the love, excitement, and gratitude.
One of my favorite things to do in the fall is bake my dark chocolate chip pumpkin bread! I’ve made it *so* many times for me, J, and friends & family. It’s moist, decadent, and super easy to make! It also makes for a great DIY housewarming gift.
These tips are so important! I work from home and I try to do these as much as possible to stay healthy! <3
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Obsessed with these leggings and I agree, breakfast is so important!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes