Monday: Legs + Cardio
- Bulgarian Split Lunges with Barbell: 10 reps each leg, 3 sets
- Sumo Squats with Deficit: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Kneeling Barbell Thrusts: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Single Side Leg Press: 15 reps each leg, 3 sets
- Wide Leg Sumo Squats on Smith Machine: 20 pulses, 3 sets
- Single Leg Push Downs on Pull-Up Machine: 15 reps each leg, 3 sets
Tuesday: Shoulders + Cardio
- Seated Shoulder Press, using Smith Machine: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Upright Cable Row, using Smith Machine: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Single Around the Worlds: 15 reps each, 3 sets
- Cable Front Raise: 10 reps, 3 sets
- Alternating Lateral Raises: 20 reps total, 3 sets
- Single Arm Cable Shoulder Press: 10 reps each, 3 sets
- Rear Delt Raise: 12 reps, 3 sets
Wednesday: Take your favorite group fitness class!
Thursday: Biceps & Back + Low Intensity Cardio
- V-Bar Seated Row: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Alternating Preacher Bicep Curls: 12 reps each arm, 3 sets
- Lat Pull Down {underhand grip}: 15 reps with 5 pulses, 4 sets
- Seated Bicep Curls: 12 reps, 4 sets
- Pull-Ups {assisted or unassisted}: until failure, 4 sets
- Static Hold Bicep Curl: 10 reps, 4 sets
- Weighted Hyperextensions: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Cable Bicep Curls: 1o reps, 3 sets
Friday: Legs & Abs + Cardio ….OR optional rest day
- Deficit Narrow Squats on Smith Machine: 10 reps, 10 sets
- Deficit Pulse Lunges on Smith Machine: 15 reps each leg, 5 sets
- Deadlift using cable + rope attachment + standing on a step for a deeper stretch: 20 reps, 5 sets
- Kneeling Barbell Thrusts: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Single Leg Press: 15 reps each leg, 3 sets
- Sumo Squat with Straight Bar: 10 reps, 3 sets
- Curtsy Lunge with Barbell: 15 on each side, 3 sets
Saturday: Chest & Triceps + Cardio
- Dumbbell Incline Chest Press: 10 reps, 4 sets
- Cable Tricep Kickbacks: 12 reps each, 4 sets
- Straight Bar Chest Press: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Tricep Pushdowns: 28 method, 3 sets
- Cable Chest Flyes: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Dumbbell Chest Flyes: 12 reps, 3 sets
- Flat Bench Skullcrushers: 10 reps, 3 sets
- End with Bosu Push-Ups: 15 reps, 5 sets
Sunday: Rest Day
Love your outfit! Also love the color of your shoes. What a great combination 😉