Take Life One Cup At A Time

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Hey girl! What's Your Signature Latte? Whether it's a frothy latte or a cold brew, your personality shines through.  Find out what your java ingredients are!

Denim Skirt + YouTube Launch

denim skirt  // a southern drawl casual outfit idea  // a southern drawl michael kors wedges  // a southern drawl luxy hair extensions  // a southern drawl arm stack  // a southern drawl denim pencil skirt  // a southern drawl off the shoulder top  // a southern drawl denim pencil skirt  // a southern drawl asos outfit  // a southern drawl off the shoulder outfit   // a southern drawl

[thefeedproducts style=’four’]

I never thought I would see the day where I would willingly wear a denim skirt again! I’m loving the pencil look though, so after snagging this skirt, I was happy that denim skirts are coming back in style {I think}.  I’m not sure if I would wear this THAT frequently, but it’s something different that’s in my closet that takes me out of my comfort zone a little bit.  That’s always a good thing, right?

Today, I have some exciting news! I decided to launch a YouTube channel, which you can find over here.  I’ve always really been into beauty and makeup {uh, helllllo, definitely my Arab roots coming out}, and so I decided to give this YouTube launch a try.  I’ll be sharing my favorite go-to makeup routines, as well as some dramatic eye tutorials that I love.  I’m also pretty open about having other types of videos on there, so if y’all have any ideas, please let me know in the comments! I’m thinking of maybe a Q&A with Andrew and me? Waddaya think?

I would LOVE if y’all could check out the video over here and subscribe to my channel {if you want}.  I plan on posting two videos a week, on Mondays and on Fridays.  I graduate with my M.Eng Degree this Wednesday, so I’ll have a lot of extra time on my hands–but that will be for a different post, because I have a whole lot of ranting to do.  Please let me know of any feedback you have on the video! I kind of cringe when I watch it because I hate listening to my own voice {doesn’t everybody though? just say yes to make me feel better}.  You can also view the video below!

Hope y’all have a wonderful Monday!


  1. CS Gems says:

    Love your wedges in this post! We’ll check out your new YouTube channel! Congrats!
    Carrie and Stacy
    CS Gems

  2. Love the off the shoulder top!

  3. Kim says:

    How exciting! YouTube is so much fun 🙂 welcome to the family haha. And I love the outfit!


    http://trendkeeper.me .. Sweat proof beauty!

  4. preeti says:

    love the skirt on you and congrats on the launch!

    xoxo, Preeti

  5. Congratulations on your new YouTube channel AND on graduating! This is HUGE! WTG, girl!
    xx, Victoria

  6. Kathleen says:

    Obsessed with your earrings. You look so chic!

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I’m just an everyday gal who can go from gym to glam in record timing. I run on sarcasm & coffee on the weekdays and sass & vino on the weekends! I strive to stay fit, stylish, and healthy, while also trying to be the very best version of myself (sounds easy enough, right?).   MEET GRACE ⟶