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Arts and Crafts

Welp, yesterday confirmed the fact that I’m artistically impaired.  Give me any type of paintbrush and I somehow manage to butcher whatever I’m painting AND get it all over me like I’m a five year old doing arts and crafts.  So I guess being an artist is crossed off the list, because that will definitely never happen.  I had…attempted…to paint a paddle for my sorority sister.  It was supposed to be cute, trendy, and uh artistic.  But art is not on my side, and I demolished it with my gunky (is that a word?) paint strokes, uneven lines, and a combination of colors that look like ___ (place adjective here). Moral of the story, I should probably just stick to math equations instead — nerd.
  1. Jill McFee says:

    Hi Grace! I love your blog! So cute. Glad to be a new follower.
    And you should console yourself with the fact that you are very artistic with your outfits… it's just a different kind of art!

    peace&love, Jill
    Favor the Brave

  2. two birds says:

    well maybe you could just call yourself an impressionist artist! it worked for pollack, why not for you??? and i'm sure it wasn't nearly as bad as you thought it was!

  3. Ha! I'm sure you'll find plenty of other "career options" 🙂 My mom was an artist so you'd think i would have a little bit of skill…but apparently she gave it all to my sister so I'm stuck with stick-figure drawings and barely legible handwriting! Lol!

    Cute sweater btw…!
    Xo – Marion

  4. Claire says:

    i wish i could paint or draw, but i don't possess either of those talents. i love the camel striped sweater and the chunky scarf! the blue handbag is gorgeous too!


  5. The striped sweater is great, and love that bag!

  6. You have got one of the best blogs I have seen recently.Creativity of any kind always attracts me and you are a masterpiece in that.Thanks for sharing so much. I am definitely following you.

  7. @Jill McFee

    Well thank you! Can't wait to check out yours! And yes, I'll have to consider that my only artistic talent :).

  8. @Marionberry Style

    Sometimes I even mess up stick figures haha (but no really..). Thanks for stopping by!

  9. @TaraMixandMatch

    Thank you! Although the bag is cute, it is unfortunately very hard to work with. My purses are like suitcases for me (I carry around way too much!) so the short handles are slightly impractical. It's worth it though!

  10. @jhilmilbeauty

    Thank you SO much. That is so nice of you! I'm always glad to hear it (**giddy feeling).

  11. Marianne M. says:

    we have identical tops and similar bags! wow!
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  12. Anna says:

    I'm lusting after your sweater and bag. They go beautifully together.

    And don't worry about being artistically impaired – solving equations is a much higher calling 🙂

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I’m just an everyday gal who can go from gym to glam in record timing. I run on sarcasm & coffee on the weekdays and sass & vino on the weekends! I strive to stay fit, stylish, and healthy, while also trying to be the very best version of myself (sounds easy enough, right?).   MEET GRACE ⟶