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Fake Readers

Oh yes. I’m wearing fake glasses.  Don’t judge.  They kind of make me look cool though, and smart, and cool, and more hipster…and cool.   And that’s all that matters! So what if I have 20/20 vision? I can still wear glasses. So I propose a toast (ahem…raise your imaginary glasses please) to fake readers! Because they’re awesome.
  1. Marianne M. says:

    No judging to you wearing fake glasses, generally i am not a fan of this trend, cause people view it as a trend and not as part of their personal style but i think that your outfit pulls it off pretty nicely so i am not against them at all.
    i especially like the combination of your shirt with the belt, and the boots with the grey (?) socks.
    i've found your blog through a comment of yours into another blog i was reading.
    i am also a blogger, although i don't post pics of my outfits, but i post inspirational editorials-streetstyle etc, anything that can be categorised as seductive, sexy, dynamic, luring.
    well i don't do that usually but i would like you to check it out and tell me what you think. maybe we could follow each other or something like that, but its not about the following each other but about staying in touch.
    i mean come on who wants readers who are 'fake readers' meaning they followed you and never again checked out your blog?
    ok ok i stop talking too much now (i do that a lot-lol so expect looooooooong comments- i mean it long).
    greetings from

  2. Marianne M. says:

    And yes i am following you, and yes i've said i'd never do that (ask someone to follow me) but i guess i did. Wow pretty lame of me, isn't it? ok not lame, but not something i would normally do.
    But nevertheless you check out my blog, if you like it (really like it) you follow, if you find it boring be honest tell me that its boring or not well made and you won't follow. who holds grunge for that? not me.

  3. I think you look cute…and love the plaid top!

  4. Julia says:

    I love the plaid top! I've yet to find a good one that fits me well. I love how you belted it!

    Cup of Tea

  5. @Marianne M.

    Your comments make me laugh! Thanks for those! I'll be stopping by your blog soon!! 🙂

  6. @TaraMixandMatch

    Thank you! An extra plus- the plaid top is super comfy. It's a win-win.

  7. @Julia

    The plaid top is actually from Jcrew (bought with a 30% sale) so I had gotten it for a pretty good price! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. You are too cute. Just saw you comment on my blog so I thought I would check yours out.
    I have been wanting fak readers for a while..where did you get yours?

  9. Kassi says:

    You are like the sexy smart girl in this outfit. I love the fake readers on you. You look great in that plaid

  10. Kassi says:

    shirt. Sorry for some reason I published early. Got too excited I guess 🙂


  11. @Jess {The In-Between}

    Thanks! I actually got them from urban outfitters on sale for a Halloween costume this year(maybe I shouldn't say that out loud), and I didn't have the guts to wear them with outfits until lately! Good thing I kept those! But I stalk urban's website (standard for me), and they always have cute fake readers. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. @Kassi

    Haha just laughed out loud at that second post. Thank you! I haven't worn plaid in a long time for some reason, but I'm glad I did! And in that case, I should wear the readers more often.

  13. @A Southern Drawl

    hat's exactly where I was going to look for some. Not sure if I would be bold enough to wear them either.

  14. #1 I LOVE the plaid
    #2 Your fakes look awesome, so I can totally see why you would wear them!
    #3 I am soooo jealous of your 20/20 vision
    #4 Sometime I make lists 🙂

    Happy Wednesday!


  15. LoriLynn says:

    LOVe this! I have to admit, I wear glasses every day, and while it's necessary, I also secretly love having to wear them most days! Xo Lori

  16. Megan says:

    You look SO cute in these glasses. Wish I could pull off the fake readers like you do!

  17. hahaha I wear glasses but sometimes I wear my fake glasses too… just because the style is different and i think it looks great… bf thinks otherwise though LOL. I love this outfit you have it's geek chic, the flannel shirt is so lovely!!

  18. Melu103 says:

    haha so funny cause i hate wearing glasses
    so i go ahead and get contacts and now
    everyone is wearing glasses and they are
    so stylish .. lol

    happy new years love

    Melina ♥

  19. Will you email me at Jess.theinbetween@gmail.com? I have a favor to ask and couldn't find your email.

  20. @Pop Champagne

    Thank you! haha and yes my boyfriend has a field day when I wear them.

  21. @Melu103

    I know! I guess you always want what you can't have! I have pin straight hair but I'm jealous of those with curly locks, and vice versa!

  22. Katie says:

    I love fake glasses! When I was younger I used to try to purposely fail the eye test because I wanted glasses so bad. Curse this perfect vision! Thanks for visiting me! I hope you'll be back!

    Katie- Hems For Her

  23. Love the outfit and love the (fake) glasses – they look great on you!

    xo Jennifer


  24. Audrey says:

    Those readers look great on you! I have a pair of fake readers too 🙂 Love the plaid shirt! x http://www.casualglamorous.com

  25. two birds says:

    i once found a pair of fake glasses in high school and wore them all the time. and now i really need glasses and i hate wearing them. the grass is always greener, i guess! you look great in them!

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